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Librarian Futures
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Sign up for Librarian Futures Part IV

Technology from Sage are working on the upcoming fourth Librarian Futures report. This new report will focus on how academic libraries can be frontiers in the use of AI in Higher Education; including how libraries are responding to AI, and how AI might increase research productivity.

The report will share findings from a mass survey of librarians and students worldwide on AI and the library.

Complete the form now to receive the report when it is published in May 2025.

Sign up here.



About Librarian Futures

Text says Librarian Futures and CTA button Get Your Copy with cover images of all three of Technology from Sage's Librarian Futures reportsTechnology from Sage’s Librarian Futures series of reports explore librarian-patron relationships in the digital age, and the ever-changing role of the academic library. The topics of the reports range from the knowledge gap between students and librarians, and the librarian skills landscape.

Download the reports here.

About Technology from Sage

Technology from Sage is a curated suite of innovative library technologies that amplify the value of your library to improve every stage of the academic workflow – from managing reading lists to discovering online resources and reference management.


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