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Sciwheel User Case Study: Jocelyn Anderson

Using Sciwheel in forensic nursing research

Product: Sciwheel

We spoke with avid Sciwheel user and forensic nurse, Jocelyn Anderson, her pronouns are she/her/hers. Her work in forensics led her to work in the field of violence research. This means that her work tends to answer questions related to how violence impacts health and ways in which health care providers can help to improve health and justice outcomes for patients. In this story, she shares how she first learned about Sciwheel and how it has helped her research.

Jocelyn’s initial inspirations for pursuing a career in nursing started when she was in college. “I was trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up, and a mentor who was a nurse told me that if I went into medicine I’d complete residency and then end up stuck in a speciality and bored.” She continues “But that as a nurse there are nearly unlimited options for career movement, growth, and change. No shade to the fabulous physician colleagues out there, but I think she was right, and I am super happy I chose the path I did.”

Jocelyn has never looked back since entering the field of nursing, and her favourite part of her job is that as a nurse and researcher she will never be bored. “Some days I am seeing patients who were sexually assaulted via a telehealth program, some days I’m doing research about sexual violence and alcohol use among college students, some days I’m teaching students Introduction to Forensic Nursing, and some days now I’m working with community organizations to give COVID-19 vaccines in high school gyms and on dairy farms.” However, she does mention that like many jobs out there, the downside to her work is completing the dreaded task of paperwork (which I’m sure many of us can relate to).

Jocelyn mentions that she was originally introduced to Sciwheel during her postdoc. “The lab I worked in during my postdoc switched to Sciwheel shortly after I left. Some of my friends and colleagues there said they really liked it and that it was way nicer than the product we had been using before.” she continues, “I was still tying up with this lab, so I also switched over to Sciwheel and I started dabbling. I eventually got hooked and switched my own fledgling lab over.”

Her favorite feature available on Sciwheel is the Google Docs integration. “(Previously), having to upload and download the files from Google to Word to work on the file as a team then work on the references – and not being able to have everyone see or edit the references in real-time was definitely annoying. (With Sciwheel) being able to work with friends and colleagues geographically divided, on a paper or grant and have the references be up-to-date is so fabulous.”

”Science doesn’t happen in a vacuum, teaching don’t happen in a vacuum. It’s been really challenging to be or feel productive without the opportunity to be in the spaces I’m use to and with the people I’m use to.

Recently Jocelyn has been working on a couple of different projects using Sciwheel – some of this work includes looking at HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (medications to prevent HIV given after an exposure) following sexual assault. “My team has been doing interviews with patients and health care providers to discuss what the conversations around that currently look like – with an ultimate goal of building an internet-based, multimedia tool to help share information in an accurate and more streamlined manner.”

She explains that she found moving over to Sciwheel a pretty straightforward process. “I have been in pretty much every reference manager you can imagine at this point, tried many to try to figure out what I like and don’t,” she says. “I used some because they were what was accessible during undergrad or grad school. So I’ve had a lot of practice moving libraries around at this point. Sciwheel’s ability to import with just a list of DOIs is another fabulous feature though!”


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