Works with any ILS or LMS

Talis Aspire offers deeper integrations than any other resource list system and is the only system to work with any Integrated Library System (ILS) or Library Management System (LMS).
Whether you use OCLC’s WMS, EBSCO’s FOLIO, Ex Libris’ Alma, Sirsi Dynix’s Symphony or Koha, Talis Aspire will show your live library holdings, copies available and the shelf mark in the resource lists faculty create and students read.
Create & edit lists
Create & edit lists on the platform or from within the VLE/LMS
Faculty can create & edit lists on the easy-to-use Talis Aspire platform. Alternatively, we offer LTI with all major Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or Learning Management Systems (LMS) so faculty can create lists directly from the VLE or LMS, whether Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas or other.
Structure lists
Structure lists with headings, paragraphs, item importance and more
Talis Aspire enables faculty to structure and annotate lists with paragraphs and headings, as well as set the importance of an item on a list as essential, further or extra reading.
Add multi-media resources & upload documents
Supports multi-media resources & document uploads
Faculty can add multi-media resources to their lists, whether video, articles, book chapters or more and also upload their own documents to lists, such as lecture notes and PDFs.
Search resources against library holdings
Integration with the library discovery service
Talis Aspire integrates with Primo, EDS, WMS & Summon, so faculty can search your discovery service from directly within Talis Aspire when adding items to their lists.
Search resources outside of your library
Integration with book sellers and OA & OER repositories
Talis Aspire integrates with book sellers like Amazon and Browns Books, as well as OA and OER repositories, so faculty can search against these providers from directly within Talis Aspire when adding items to their lists.
Search resources against online bookmarks
Talis bookmarking extension
Faculty can use the Talis bookmarking browser extension to bookmark online resources they find and then add these into their lists, ensuring accurate metadata.
Digitisation & copyright
Fully integrated copyright management and digitization request tool
Talis Aspire has a fully integrated copyright tool enabling faculty to request digitized copies of articles and chapters etc. from the library.
Course reserves
Mark items for course reserve in the library
Faculty can mark items as a course reserve on their resource lists, with the date range the library needs to put the item on reserve, with the ability to add a message to the library. Faculty can also see the status of items they have requested to be put on reserve.
Browse & View Lists
Search for and browse all lists
Librarians and other List Reviewers can search for and browse all lists at their institution.
Review Lists & List Items
Reviews dashboard
Talis Aspire has a reviews dashboard for librarians that enables easy viewing and approval of lists, as well as notifications to changes on lists or resource requirements, whether that is a new edition of a resource, a change in student numbers or more.
Full reporting suite
Librarians can report on all lists and list items at their institution on a variety of factors including item importance, whether it is in their holdings, by approval status and more.
Streamlined acquisitions workflow
Talis Aspire integrates with library suppliers to streamline the workflow for acquiring resources used on lists. It also has enhanced integrations with OCLC so users can add items to the OCLC ordering screen from directly within Talis Aspire.
Copyright & Digitization Management
Copyright clearance dashboard
Talis Aspire has a fully integrated copyright tool that enables copyright checks on electronic and local holdings. Librarians can manage digitization requests via the dashboard and the Talis Vault holds scans of digitized content for reuse.
Customizable Platform
Customize language, branding and other settings
Librarian admins can customize their instance for the Talis Aspire platform to add their institutional branding, set language, and set certain fields as mandatory or optional to meet their institution’s needs. Furthermore, admins get access to Talis Aspire APIs to carry out advanced bulk actions.
View lists in VLE/LMS
LTI with Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas etc.
Talis Aspire integrates with all major Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or Learning Management Systems (LMS) so students can access their resource lists from withing the VLE/LMS where they get all other course information.
Personal Notes
Add personal notes on lists and list items
Students can add personal notes on their course lists or specific items in lists to support their studies.
Reading Intentions
Set reading intentions against list items
Students can mark resources in lists with their reading intention for the item; won’t read, undecided, will read, are reading now, or have already read.
View Availability of Resources in Library
Integration with your ILS
Talis Aspire integrates with your ILS to show students the availability of their reading list resources in your live library holdings, including the number of copies available and the shelf mark.
View Availability of Resources Outside of Library
Integration with campus bookstores, book sellers and OER OA repositories
Talis Aspire can also integrate with your campus bookstore, book sellers like Amazon or Browns Books, and OER and OA repositories to display where students can access or purchase the resource item outside of the library.