Product: Lean Library Access
Bringing value to the library
The Challenge
The library puts in a considerable amount of time and effort to develop its collections and provide support for users. But are patrons always gaining easy access to these resources?
- “We use EZproxy but it is difficult to explain how to use it. Even student support staff don’t understand. Furthermore, I think we need this tool because we as libraries are facing an important shift in types of access. There are now so many ways to access e-resources.
- On top of that, when you bring e-books into this matter, there are even more reasons to inform the patron about access. E-books are served in so many different ways, like access only on the portal, on a device, through an app, through Adobe Digital Editions, for loan only (e.g. one person for 3 weeks).”
“We use EZproxy but it is difficult to explain how to use it. Even student support staff don’t understand.”
The Solution
Lean Library solves access issues and provides patrons with content as and when they need it, all while protecting their privacy and promoting your library’s brand.
- “It’s worth noting here that we don’t just use Lean Library for off-campus access. Access to e-resources is developing into more personal access like SSO, or IP with email validation. It’s really beneficial to explain how to access each resource. You can do this with the Lean Library module Assist.”
Matching Expectations
Lean Library strives to deliver a product that continues to bring value to the library.
The Lean Library tool really helps us. Due to issues around privacy, it’s important to have a good, trusting relationship. We have that with Lean Library. We are now going over the 6000 engaged users, which is great! This means we can contact these active searchers with scholarly information. We are able to prompt a message on each website that we want to talk about!”
Promoting Lean Library
Lean Library Lean Library requires users to download the plug-in. So, how do you get patrons to download it?
“At first, we used flyers and narrowcasting in our library. Now, we just promote by narrowcasting. The number of engaged users is going up every month.”
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